Print swap

At the end of the year our printmaking group always do a swap and make books using a print from each member. It’s a great way to share and have a record of everyone, as some don’t continue the following year.

This year most chose to create a full size concertina book and stick prints onto each page, often front and back, while others made a narrow accordion spine and adhered each print to that.

In my case I folded a 2″ wide accordion, a little shorter in height than the smallest print, and attached them to each section. As a couple of the prints were very small I first put those onto spare paper before inserting. This gave me a multi-height/width structure with an unobtrusive spine attachment.

These are some of my favourites from the project:

All 3 images above are by Elizabeth. I believe the one to the left is a drypoint and the 2 on the right are hand coloured etchings.

The piece on the left is by Judy and is built from monoprints and collage. The right hand print is an etching by Jan. Strange markings across this one, almost like corrugated cardboard lines.

Linocuts by Cathy.

I always try to make a gift for each person and this time I created small notepads using Japanese stab binding and my own prints as covers. As I always use quality paper this is a great way to cut out selected areas of larger prints (which might not be perfect) for a small project.

About Claire B

I am a passionate printmaker, paper maker and book artist. I'm a 'forever' student and frequently attend courses and workshops to extend and improve my creative skills.
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1 Response to Print swap

  1. artsofmay says:

    A great post. Thank you.

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