Exhibition: Moran Gallery

The Southern Printmakers exhibition ‘Inside Out’ which I participated in during June this year was a huge success. We had a large turn out for the opening and many visitors throughout, which resulted in several sales. I exhibited my piece entitled Stratification and you can see the making, printing and framing of it here.

At the end of the event the group was delighted to be asked to hang the works, and others that fit the theme, in Moran Gallery in Sylvania until mid November. The gallery is located in the Moran Health Care Group’s premium residential aged care home and are a big supporter of Hazelhurst Arts Centre where we first exhibited. Their website states:

Moran Health Care Group is a major supporter of Hazelhurst Arts Centre in the Sutherland Shire of Sydney as a Principal Partner supporting their active arts programs for the community.
Through this collaboration, the Moran Gallery hosts a series of exhibitions that aim to enrich the day to day lives of Moran Aged Care residents at Sylvania and Engadine, their families and the Sutherland Shire community.

It’s lovely to know we have our works there and they bring joy to the residents, staff and visitors every day.

About Claire B

I am a passionate printmaker, paper maker and book artist. I'm a 'forever' student and frequently attend courses and workshops to extend and improve my creative skills.
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