Print 1. Project 13: Choosing my subject matter

For this project I will be combining monoprinting and linoprinting to create a multi-layered print outcome.

I’ve been considering my subject matter.  Whilst away in the USA for the last few weeks I took many photographs and now, having sorted them, I have a range of interesting images of moving objects.  These include

  • Light rail trains.  I like the uncluttered appearance of the trains, the clean lines, the slightly curved front, the repetition of the windows and rows of seats visible within.  Some of these light rail cars we travelled on were very silent and it felt like you were gliding from one place to another.
    Light rail
  • Cable cars.  In San Francisco they have this wonderful transport that resembles a tram but doesn’t run using overhead electrical cables.  Instead, there is a type of ‘chain’ system embedded within the road into which the operator drops a ‘hook’ (Note: this is an incredibly simplified description of how it actually works).  This attaches the car to the movable pulley system which takes the weight and drags the cable car along, and so we were able to climb steep hills that would likely be impossible with an electric tram.
  • Electric tram.  This tram is beautifully decorative and is really a tourist attraction rather than a practical means of transport.  The tram runs daily, repeatedly, along a short stretch of track.  Each afternoon it is garaged for a couple of hours to recharge.
  • Bicycles.  Probably the least said here the better!  Having wobbled my way round the car-park three times I managed to make it to the Santa Monica pier without falling off.
  • Carousel.  Gladly locking the bike up and replacing it with a stroll I went in search of the carousel.
    CarouselHere it is, just waiting to get started.  Not only were there prancing horses but also a rabbit and a goat.  All the children wanted those instead of the more elaborately decorated horses.  Interesting.
    Carousel1This was when some ideas started forming.  Perhaps I could lino print the horses and monoprint the background.  Instead of the horses being blurred as they move I could switch the ‘camera’ focus and blur the background through monoprinting techniques and linocut the horses.  Being sharp I hope they will stand forward.
    Carousel2Monoprinting trials are now underway.  Let’s have a bit of fun trying to create some blurred movement.

About Claire B

I am a passionate printmaker, paper maker and book artist. I'm a 'forever' student and frequently attend courses and workshops to extend and improve my creative skills.
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